
Built to last, with top-quality saddle skirting leather. Deep, balanced ground seats and free-swinging stirrups so you can ride it all day, COMFORTABLY. These are tough ranching/roping saddles.

In 2020, I received the Saddle Making Fellowship through Art Of The Cowgirl. I went and studied under Nancy Martiny of Martiny Saddle Co.

Base Price: $6,000
Current wait times on custom saddles are about 8-10 months.

Now offering custom-fit saddles. If you are NOT local, we send you the measuring templates to put on your horse. Easy steps ensure a good fitting tree for your horse!
Click this link to find out more about saddle fitting: Saddle Fitting – Rocking S Saddle Shop

Saddle #44: 16" Modified Association

Saddle #43: 15-1/2" Wade Roughout

Saddle #42: 16" Buster Welch Ranch Cutter

Saddle #39: 2024 Art of the Cowgirl Breakaway Roping Champion Saddle


Saddle #38: The "Montana Wildflower" Saddle
Douglas '38 Wade with Guadalajara horn. Custom horn cap and cantle plate to match (silverwork done by myself as well)
Saddle #37: 15.5" Modified Association
Custom horn cap with a brand
Saddle #36: 14.5" Ray Hunt Wade
Unique hand-painted horncap and cantle back.
Saddle #34: Art Of The Cowgirl - 2023 Raffle Saddle. 15.5" Wade
With silver horn cap I engraved the Art Of The Cowgirl logo onto.
Saddle #33: 15" Douglas '38 Wade
Saddle #32: 15" Wade
Saddle #27: 16.5" Douglas '38 Wade
Saddle #26: 16" Modified Association
Saddle #25
For the 2022 Art Of The Cowgirl event in Queen Creek, Arizona, I was hired to build the Champion Breakaway Roping Saddle.
14" Association with 7/8 in-skirt rigging
Saddle was sponsored by #merckanimalhealth
Silver was donated by John N Kristen Mincer

As the Breakaway Roping competition came to a finish, Lari Dee Guy came out on top!
Saddle #24: 15" Will James
Mother Hubbard style with inverted floral tooling on the roughout areas. This saddle took 4th place at the 2022 Sheridan Leather Show - Floral Saddle Division.
Saddle #21: 15.5" Wade
The Magpie bird is significant to this client. So we decided to incorporate the bird and a feather theme throughout the saddle. See if you can find some more figure carvings on it!